Who am I?

What a good question.

Let’s start with writing. For the past few years, I have been immersed in literary fiction, with my latest project being a novel, Ahnwee Days, a satire on the perils of small-town life. Now I’m happy and proud to announce that it is scheduled to be coming from Blackwater Press October 1, 2024.

My award winning and Pushcart nominated short stories have appeared or will soon appear in over two dozen literary magazines and anthologies. Speaking of prizes, my one-act, Manfinders.com, won the Metropolitan State University playwriting contest back in 2003.

in the world of non-fiction, I am the author of Bi America: Myths, Truths, and Struggles of an Invisible Community, a book about the bisexual community and the bisexual experience. My work has appeared in Hennepin History Magazine, the Handbook of LGBT Elders (Debra A. Harley and Pamela B. Teaster Editors, Springer 2016), the Lambda Book Report, the Journal of Bisexuality, the GLBT Press, Southside Pride, and in the Minneapolis Star Tribune. I am also a former columnist for Lavender Magazine in Minneapolis, with For Whom The Bill Tolls looking at LGBT community groups in the Twin Cities and In the Pink, examining LGBT health.

When I’m not working on my own writing, I am helping other authors with theirs. I am the founder of Flexible Press, an imprint dedicated to supporting authors, communities, and mission-driven non-profits through story.

As for my life beyond books, I live in Minneapolis, Minnesota, with my wife, Mariann, and our two dogs, a mere tennis ball’s throw from the Mississippi river. In my work life, I have a strange resume: I’ve been a Walgreens manager, a glass artist, HIV prevention worker (spinning off into my favorite job title ever: Syphilis Elimination Coordinator), and finally, in government communications.

When I’m not working on the press, depending on the day and the weather, I can be found hiking in state parks, BBQing, or just hanging out at one of about twenty coffee shops I frequent.

